By Ben Pate

The Dell 1710 printer using Dell 1710 printer cartridge has come a pretty long way than most of its predecessors. On a sales graph it has an s graph. It started slow, had a sudden sales spurt, and then took a constant strong course. Its prototype is from 2005 and has maintained its reliable credibility until now. We all know that we need to give credit where it is due, so let us do that.

One of the strongest virtues of the Dell 1710 is its speed. It's a 'Usain Bolt' of printers. It churns out twenty seven A4 pages per minute of your work easily. I do not know what you are working with but that is an impressive output. The earliest version made would strive for a thousand pages a month with no stress. The newer ones go for at least fifteen thousand prints before feeling encumbered.

The quality of the Dell 1710's print also brags for itself. The early Dell 1710 offers you 1200 x 1200 dpi. That means dots per inch, pretty cool. That's quality right there. Imagine what they have now because I haven't test driven it. It still is superior performance. This printer has a paper carrying capacity of eight hundred sheets. The printer I have, I won't say the model for fear of bodily harm, has five hundred. The Dell can therefore do letterheads, cards and envelopes at more volume. Some models even hit a thousand. All this before you have to load another ream of paper!

For these eight hundred prints you will be dishing out off course you need the ink. There in is another beauty of the dell 1710. It has an inbuilt 1710 toner cartridge monitoring system. This means you never have to worry if you have the right amount of ink in the cartridge. It will tell you before you press print now. You will never have to go through the annoyance of stopping a printing process. If it's not enough for a hundred prints it will let you know. Time wasted is energy wasted is money wasted.

The problem that unfortunately kills most of us with today's technology is how to go about using them. This is not the case with the Dell 1710. It has a very easy setup procedure and even easier usage. Its easy setup is one of the highest rated in the whole world. Actually once you set it up printing is only an icon away.

The thing that took me by a storm about this printer is the price. It is by far one of the cheapest quality printers out there. With this economy we are all trying to save that buck we never used to. The best model of the Dell 1710 still comes to just a drop under two hundred dollars. That's very fair for a quality printer.

To end this review I would rate this dell printer at a seven out of ten. All products have their faults. The temporary product discontinuation subtracts two in my books. The noise that emanates from the gadget took another one.

It is, however, to me still a rare package for what it gives back. Very cheap, convenient, high quality prints at a lightning bolt pace. All possible with the 1710 printer toner cartridge.

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