By Adriana Noton

Students using personal computers to produce term papers may take the experience for granted. Thirty years ago, the experience would have been much more difficult. Papers printed with Brother toner and Brother ink are of far greater quality, at least in presentation style, than they were at that time.

While many college freshmen were not alive at that time, term papers were produced on typewriters. While these machines were over a century in age at that time, it was difficult to produce a perfect paper. In fact, many students found that their graded were more dependent on their typing ability rather than their grasp of the subject. Mistakes made in typing were difficult to repair and often, attempts at erasing type ruined entire pages. The rough typing erasers could easily tear a hole through paper, and white-out could make a paper appear very messy. These seemingly small errors could take a mountain of time to correct.

Then the personal computer with a word processor became available. This allowed students to prepare papers that could show their grasp of a concept in a paper that was perfect in both grammar and spelling.

The problem became printing the paper in an acceptable form. The early nine pin printers did not produce a high enough quality print to match the requirements of many of college style manuals. Many professors simply refused to accept any papers that were produced on these inferior printers.

There were a few attempts at daisy wheel printers. These printers were basically typewriters that connected to the computer. They produced high quality print but were both expensive to purchase and slow. Most were unable to keep up with the demands of the computer user. In addition, they could not produce graphics that were sometimes needed.

The inkjet printer brought marked improvement in the computer printing world. Even early inkjet printers offered "near letter quality" papers. The ink from the jet was able to flow together so that individual dots were less apparent than with pin printers and the inkjet was faster than the daisy wheel printers. After the color capabilities were introduced, these printers began to overtake the market. Not only could they produce documents in many fonts, they were able to make charts, graphs and print high quality photographs.

Today, laser jet printers also offer low cost printing, but often at a higher initial expense. Due to that initial expense, ink jet printers remain more popular today. In addition to the numerous fonts available, the ink jet now prints photos with a high number of pixels. In addition they can also produce charts, graphs and other illustrations for the presentation.

Producing high quality documents using brother inks is not only useful in the academic world. Today, these same high quality documents are expected and required in the business world as well. It is often difficult to even find a typewriter in the business world today. Nearly everything that could be done on the typewriter can now be done on the personal computer. Perhaps you will choose to print your own business cards or letterhead. Printers combine with computers to make very powerful communication devices.

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