By Professional editor working for cheaponsale.

Sony - Ericsson CEO said last Friday, Sony - Ericsson will be a future development of Android phones, but did not disclose the phone time to market.

The majority of portable phone production plants have launched Android cell phone, hoping to superiority from consumer appeal, but said Sony Ericsson will be numerous time in the past the introduction of Android phones.

Sony Ericsson CEO Hideki Komiyama said in an interview that: "Android phones also deficiency to carry out a many diagram of derived worth and assessing, is also widely understood the deficiency of consumers. In condensed, it will take numerous time to launch Android handset. Will be supposed as Android the future expansion of a principle operating system, there is no doubt. "

Sony Ericsson has decided to use three high-end mobile phone operating system, namely, Symbian, Android and Microsoft's Windows Mobile. Hideki Komiyama said: "Our focus is how to use the same operating system with the difference of competitors." Stressed the importance of user experience Sony Ericsson concerned about the investment and the position of the user interface.

Sony Ericsson transmitted the loss terminal Friday to further enlarge the results, in lead to return to profitability, transmitted prepares to layoff 20 percent.

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