Blackberry Owners Become Workaholics

By Aleksandro Imles

It has recently been found out that people with mobile technology such as Blackberries end up working an extra 15 hours a week as it is impossible to stop checking emails even they're out of workplace.

A survey of some 600 employees coming from different places has proved that blackberry is actually turning them into a hopeless workaholic as they are linked to the world even while they're at home. The research done by the Employment law firm Peninsula has said that invariably a working week is being extended to around 55 hours for many people these days.

According to the Managing director, Peninsula, Peter Bone, "It is important for staff to spend quality time away from the office, spending time with the family, or undertaking recreational activities rather than tapping away responding to client emails or deadlines so that they keep a healthy work/life balance. Bosses should encourage staff not to work from home unless necessary. Inform staff that they should limit working from home.

If they are happy to work away then ensure they agree to opt out of the maximum working week and have this signed. Limit the extent to which employees are using their devices when they choose to do so; unrested employees will be less productive during the working day."

He further said that "The recession has forced everyone to become more productive and for those with access to work at home, this is an opportunity for them to catch up or get ahead. With email on tap, employees with smartphones are able to respond a lot quicker and also get themselves prepared for the working day ahead by checking their email first thing.

Employees should be encouraged to take appropriate rest breaks if they do choose to continue working out of hours. Having a well rested employee with a good work/life balance is a lot more useful than a tired employee that put one too many hours in the night before." A smart phone may make communication much easier, but it does not come without its after effects.

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